These awards are perpetually funded awards to grocery industry employees or their dependents through an initial investment from donors. These funds were created to acknowledge and continue the legacy of Tennessee’s food industry leaders and recognize them for their many contributions.
Jane & Cliff Marshall Sr. Memorial Award
- One “Best All-Round Student” scholarship awarded to student employees or dependents of employees of Marshall Family Enterprise company.
- One “Best All-Round Student” scholarship awarded to student employees or dependents of employees of Alliance Retail Group retail member.
- One “Best All-Round Student” scholarship awarded to student employees or dependents of employees of a TGCSA member company at large.
- These awards were created to honor the legacy of Cliff Marshall, Sr. and his contribution to Tennessee’s food industry. Awards provided through an initial investment by TGEF, Alliance Retail Group’s Bowling Tournament, and family contributions.
- Two scholarships awarded to student employees or dependents of employees of a TGCSA member company. Award funded by proceeds from the NAMR Golf Classic and memorial donations honoring Danny Potter.
- One "Best All Round Student" scholarship awarded to a Food City student associate or child of a Food City associate. Award provided through memorial contributions made to Tennessee Grocers Education Foundation.
- Two scholarships awarded to student employees or dependents of employees of a TGCSA member company. This award was created to honor and recognize Ed & Ilo Tietgens for their many contributions to the food industry. Award provided by initial investment by TGEF and memorial contributions made to Tennessee Grocers Education Foundation.
- One scholarship awarded to a student employee or dependent of an employee of a TGCSA member company in the East Tennessee grand division. The principal criterion for selection will be the student’s service to their community. This award was created to recognize Eddie McMillan for his contributions to TGEF and Tennessee’s food industry. Awards provided through an initial investment by TGEF, K-VA-T Food City, and memorial contributions.
- One scholarship awarded to a student associate, child or grandchild of an associate of the Food City Truck Driver Team. Award provided through a donation from the Food City Truck Driver team.
- One football athlete scholarship awarded to a Food City student associate. Award provided through memorial contributions made to Tennessee Grocers Education Foundation.
- One scholarship awarded to a dependent of an employee of a TGCSA member company to be used in the student’s junior or senior year in their pursuit of a degree in business administration or marketing.
- This award was created to recognize and honor Dean Dickey for his retirement from the TGEF Board of Trustees after a decade of service to TGA’s scholarship program. Dean was the first chairman of the Middle Tennessee Golf Classic and served for several years in that capacity. He pioneered the east and west golf outings. He served as a TGEF incorporator and as its first chairman. Award funded by the TGEF Board of Trustees through monies invested to create the Perpetually Funded Scholarships.
- One scholarship awarded to a student employee or dependent of an employee of a TGCSA member company. This award was created to honor the memory of Jarron and Jennie Rebecca Springer’s son. Jarron Springer is the former President of TGCSA. Award funded by memorial contributions made to Tennessee Grocers Education Foundation.
- Four scholarships awarded to Food City student associates or dependents of Food City associates. This award was created to recognize Jack and Judy Smith for their many contributions to the food industry. Award funded by memorial contributions made to Tennessee Grocers Education Foundation.
- One scholarship awarded to Food City student associates or children of Food City associates in Kentucky. This award was created to recognize Jack Blackburn for his many contributions to the food industry. Award funded by memorial contributions made to Tennessee Grocers Education Foundation.
- One “Best All-Round Student” scholarship awarded to student employees or dependents of employees of Marshall Family Enterprise company.
- This award was created to honor the legacy of Jane Marshall and her contribution to Tennessee’s food industry. Awards provided through an initial investment by TGEF, Alliance Retail Group’s Bowling Tournament, and family contributions.
- Two scholarships awarded to C.B. Ragland employees or children of C.B. Ragland employees or directors. In the absence of qualified candidates, the scholarships will be awarded to employees or dependents of employees of a TGCSA member company. This award was named for James B. Ragland, Sr. with the C.B. Ragland Company and was funded by a Retailer Appreciation Golf Tournament hosted by C.B. Ragland.
- Three scholarships awarded to student employees or dependents of employees of a TGCSA member company. This award was named for the parents of Barry Maddox and was created to recognize and honor Barry for his commitment and efforts in raising funds. Barry’s efforts through the West Tennessee Scholarship Golf Classic and creation of the West Tennessee Breaking Clays for College has raised over $1 million. Award funded by proceeds from TGEF’s West Tennessee Scholarship Golf Classic and West Tennessee Breaking Clays for College.
- One “Best All-Round Student” scholarship awarded to a Food City student associate or a dependent of a Food City associate. Award created in memory of Steve and Tolena Trout’s daughter and funded by memorial contributions made to Tennessee Grocers Education Foundation.
- Two scholarships awarded to student employees or dependents of employees of Wade’s Food Center. Established in memory of Gene Wade’s parents to recognize their contributions to their community in Meigs County. Award funded by proceeds from the Wade’s Annual Memorial Golf Classic.
- One scholarship awarded to an outstanding senior from Brighton, Covington, or Munford High School in Tipton County, Tennessee. Established to recognize and honor Oney J. & Adele H. Naifeh for their many contributions to society. Award funded through contributions by the Naifeh family to the foundation.
- Four scholarships awarded to student employees or dependents of employees of Turner Dairies or employees of their wholesale customers. Award named for founder and past president of Turner Dairies and funded by proceeds from the Turner Dairies Golf Classic and Product Promotion.
- One scholarship awarded to a student employee or child of an employee of Purity Dairies. Award funded by contributions made to Tennessee Grocers Education Foundation by Purity Dairies.
- One scholarship awarded to a student employee or dependent of an employee of a wholesale or retail TGCSA member company. This award was created and funded through a bequest by Russell and Ruby Breechen. Russell was actively involved with TGEF fundraising through Pepsi where retired in 1997.
- One scholarship awarded to a student employee or dependent of an employee of a TGCSA member company. This award was created and funded by Smith & Woods Management Corporation, a former wholesale and retail company located in East Tennessee. This award remains named for the former company to recognize the contributions made to Tennessee’s food industry.
- Two scholarships awarded to students whose parents were employed by a TGCSA member company and are now retired or deceased. In the absence of qualified candidates, the scholarships will be awarded to “Best All-Round Student” employees or dependents of employees of a TGCSA member company.
- Awards funded by memorial contributions made to Tennessee Grocers Education Foundation. Including contributions to honor Charles Edwards, Larry Compton & Family, Ed Shull, Golden Flake, Theron & Marie McCool, Walter Johnson, TWGA, and Zuma Richardson.
- One scholarship awarded to a Food City student associate or dependent of a Food City associate. Tom Hembree was former K-VA-T Food City corporate office and husband to Sharon Smith Hembree. Sharon was a daughter of Jewell “Judy” and Jack Smith, founder of K-VA-T Food City. This award was created in memory of both Tom and Sharon to recognize their contributions made to the food industry. Award funded by memorial contributions made to Tennessee Grocers Education Foundation.
- One scholarship awarded to a Graduate Level Student pursuing a degree related to the food industry. For tuition and fees for part-time or full-time students, available to student employees or dependents of employees of a TGCSA member company. Applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree and be working towards a master’s degree or doctorate. Award was established to recognize and honor the outstanding leadership provided by Wes Ball in the development and establishment of scholarship programs for the employees and dependents of employees in the food industry.